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For assistance with U.S. copyright issues, visit the Library of Congress website,

Poetry: AuthorMe suggests that poets not go to the cost of copyright, unless protecting large collections. We feel (but can offer no assurance) that chances of piracy of poetic material are low, and the risk probably doesn't justify the cost.

To have fill out your form(s) for the U.S. Copyright Office and mail it to you, fill out the form below and then pay the $15 fee via the Store. As a matter of economy, you may want to copyright a collection of your works so the copyright will cover each one. (See the link at the bottom of the page.)

Upon receipt of your information and payment, we will mail the form(s) to you. (Note: we pay for shipping as part of this service.)

Additionally, you will have to mail the form, with a $30 check, to the U.S. Copyright Office, together with a copy of your unpublished work. Here is the address.

Library of Congress

Copyright Office

101 Independence Ave., S.E.

Washington, DC  20559 - 6000

You must fill out the form below and submit it to us by clicking the Submit button. All information will be held confidential, and will be used only for the purpose of filling out this form.

Remember, this is a convenience service for you. You can work with the U.S. Copyright Office direct, or work with an intellectual property attorney. We are not giving legal advice. We are filling out a form for you!


Title of work...

Alternate Title (or title of larger work in which this is a part). Leave blank, unless you have one...

Name of copyright owner... (you)

Address of copyright owner...

City, State, and Zip Code...

Country of Permanent Residence

Phone (optional)   Fax (optional)

Year of creation of work...

Date previously published in print, and nation where printed. (If applies.  If so, send 2 copies)

Type of Authorship for this work... (What are you copyrighting?)



Compilation of terms or data

Who should potential buyers contact for rights & permissions


Other....  If other, write their name, address, and phone in the box below.


Will you give permission to reproduce for blind or physically handicapped individuals? If so, mark which types below...

Copies and Phonorecords

Copies only

Phonorecords only

If you have a Deposit Account number with the copyright office, enter its name and number...


Tell us how to get in touch with you:

Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this matter.

Please click here to pay AuthorMe for filling out this form.  Thank you.
Copyright © 1999 Cook Communication. All rights reserved.
Revised: February 11, 2007 .