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Writers Stew

By Michael Levy


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Just as soon as a toddler learns to walk and talk, so do they begin

to read and write. They quickly learn that reading and writing will

influence every part of their human life. No matter what job or

profession they follow, writing will be an integral part of it. It

may be a simple shopping list for a housewife or an intricate

equation for a quantum scientist, everyone will use one form of

writing or another.

Professional writers may allow their perceptions and concepts to

simmer on a low light for many years, whilst others may allow their

ideas to boil over. Indeed, some writers may never get their pot lit

and have to dine on cold leftovers throughout their lives. However;

there is one burning question all writers should ask

themselves.......... "Why am I writing?

• Do they write for the money?

• Do they write because they have a good imagination?

• Does their mind conjure up images of death and destruction?

• Are they suited to writing horror, mysteries or perhaps dramas and


The subject matter is as large as the world we live in. But once

again the question should be asked;........."Why am I writing" The

question needs to be asked over and over again... Why?.... Because

the world we live in at this moment in time is sinking deeper and

deeper into a vast cooking pot of intellectual sewerage that

continues to feed toxic waste into the minds of present and future


It is no longer good enough for a writer to stew in their own juices,

for their juices may be badly contaminated and they may not realize

the damage they are doing with their writing. Let's for one moment

play a game of "What If's"......

• What if everyone who puts pen to paper writes an inspirational

helpful article or essay?

• What if every horror writer stops writing horror and starts to

write motivational works?

• What if every journalist and editor refuses to publish non

essential negative news and instead publishes exhilarating columns on

love and joy

• What if every screen writer only wrote scrips that projected the

virtue of the human race

I think you get the point!

If you are a writer cooking up a new plot...stop and say to

yourself......"Why am I writing"

Place your fingers (with your hands) on your lap and clear your mind.

Take in a few deep breaths and wait for the authentic answer to your

question to come into your mind. If every writer who reads this

article would project their true nature in their writing and not the

one given to them by their education and upbringing.....Why then; the

world would become a better place for everyone to live in. This is

your chance to really make a difference. This is the true reason you

were born. You are designed to help humanity enjoy life.

The mystical flame is lit and all the ingredients are provided for

you (in the silence of your mind) to cook up a de-lightful platter of

unique works of majestic authenticity and genuineness. If at first

you do not find any customers for your new pot of truth, have no

fear....In time your works will join together with all the other

writers and you will reminisce of the days when `what if's'

became `Can Do's'

Now wouldn't that be a dainty dish to set before every baby...... So

that they may be crowned kings and queens of a humanity focused on

Love & Joy.


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