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July, 2013


In this issue... Superman – Man of Steel

Superman – Man of Steel is a film about faith and trust:
Under the Action

by Bruce L. Cook
Publisher, The Author-me.com Group

Like Batman and other films, Superman – Man of Steel features X-treme action and FX through most of its frames. Big action. Loud. Stupendoud. Overdone. Just like so many movie trailers we have to watch before the feature we wanted to view. (Continued below...)










Superman... (continued)

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But wait – this film has an oasis. In a brief scene Superman goes to a pastor (image that – a pastor in an action film, and he doesn’t have a gun!) and asks whether he should reveal his identity to save the world. The pastor says – have faith first. Then trust.

See? I said the film was about faith and trust. (And you didn’t have faith in what I said.)

Not to be outdone. At the end of the film Supes is talking with the Commander in Chief (USA) and asks him to convince “Washington” to trust him.

“How can I do that?” asks CIC.

“I’ll have to trust you,” says Superman in response.

I rest my case.

But it is not about faith, you argue. It’s about so much else. Big, big things, like mangling skyscrapers in New York, an exploding planet, communication with the dead, and even killing an already-dead person. 

But, I presume to argue, if this big bold movie even thinks of faith and trust, that’s good. And I appreciate the message, which is too seldom told.

Which brings me to my novel, Harmony of Nations. Ahem. (Hey, and my publisher didn’t have to pay to appear on this screen.)  My novel is no less pretentious, since it claims to solve the problem of world peace.

My novel has a stupendous conclusion, if I do say so myself. If it was being produced by the Superman producers, it would have loud music but not so much action. Sadly, move of its settings are in the humble but beautiful countryside of South Italy. The ending brings all nations together for a successful resolution to war and an agreement for final peace in the world. But the part that I really liked – the meat of the story, had to do with calming a horse. The horse was acting wild, and therefore represented war and conflict.

The core of my story was not the problem or solution, or even the conference of nations successfully convened at the conclusion, but this scene at the end of the chapter entitled "Peace in Matera." In this scene we see a caretaker help his horse which, as horses do, became so crazed by a raging fire that he ran into the flames. After a heroic rider steered the horse out of the flames we see this conclusion. For me, it became the solution leading to peace, but I am left wondering. Who to steer. What to steer. How to steer. What to hide under the cupped hands. Who to hide it from.

Regardless, according to my writer’s tears, here’s the meat of the story:

The caretaker tasted fresh rain as it streamed down his face and he knew
that the vineyards were safe after all. He looked around the burning
artichoke field. That was when he saw Giulia frantically restraining the
crazed horse. He sped to her side.

"Horse!" he shouted.  He managed to stand in front of the animal. The horse
settled long enough for him to reach up with strong hands cupped in gentle
blessing over the animal's sweet eyes. And that settled the horse, for all
he had needed was a set of blinders.

Giulia breathed a sigh of relief.

And there was peace.

We can have great extremes when it comes to action, especially in the impatient world our media spotlight, but inside the mayhem we need the simplicity of a meaning we can ponder. That’s what makes it all worthwhile.

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Publishing New Writers,

July, 2013 (no. 1407)


Dr. Bruce L. Cook
7337 Grandview Ct.
Carpentersvville, IL  60110

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