Grammarizer 3

Exercise 3

Wordsmith — correct the spelling for each word below and circle the best meaning.

1. Eee-licit ____________

Draw or coax out • Analyze • Subvert • Beyond limits

2. Epi-to-me ____________

Ultimate • Unparalleled • Typifying • All of these

3. In-cul-kate ____________

Inoculate • Impress someone with an idea • Impress someone • Retrofit

4. In-sidee-us ____________

Offensive • Written • Technical • Stealthy development

5. In-variab-lee ____________

Fixed, constant • Usually • Frequently • All of these

Tough Terminology — Write the correct letter for each word in the space to the left.

6. ____ e.g. a. And so forth

7. ____ i.e. b. For example

8. ____ n.b. c. Blind (blanked) copy

9. ____ etc. d. Note well

10. ____ bc e. That is Grammarizer 3

Sentence Fragments

In the blanks below, mark ""S if the item is a sentence, or "F" if the item is a fragment.

11. ____ The sales team is professional.
12. ____ If we can just set goals for our accuracy in targeting program.
13. ____ We mailed it to a 50,000 list, and 1.5% responded.
14. ____ After I give a report, including precise sales points and inventory levels at each of the 60 locations, and explaining the nature of this initiative.
15. ____ When we have exceptional results like this, and in recognition of whoever in the company contributed even one percent to this success, and totally beyond the most optimistic of our projections.

Run-on Sentences

In the blanks below, mark ""S if the item is a correct sentence, or "R" if the item is a run-on sentence.

16. ____ The delivery was on-time, so we renewed their contract.
17. ____ All fifty computers were executing network operations, the network couldn't handle the load.
18. ____ I'm ready, are you?
19. ____ I gave him the package, and also explained your rationale.
20. ____ We exceeded the specifications, surprisingly they have complained.


Fill in correct commas and semicolons in the sentences below.

21. Once the meeting was over we proceeded to discuss the new payroll system.

22. Packages are only accepted at receiving the dispatcher's office and the reception area.

23. Schedule the fifteenth shipment including brass knobs and wax candles for April 15 1998.

24. Managers it is your duty to assure the privacy of communications from your subordinates.

25. The shipment includes fifteen computer monitors ten of them multiscan thirteen printers including 5 spare ink cartridges each and twenty uninterruptible power supplies.