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In This issue... Time Reversal in Fiction


Thinking of building time reversal into your story? ... (continued below)

Time Reversal in Fiction, by Bruce L. Cook

Thinking of building time reversal into your story? Remember"Ground Hog Day?"- the venerable story of a person repeating the same day forever? Well, that's a mild start. Or, where the protagonist goes back (and/or forth) in time, as in the 1895 novel (and 1960 & 2002 movies) "The Time Machine" by H.G. Wells? Or the 1985 movie "Back to the Future"? OK, but now consider more recent entries: "Cassandra in Reverse", by Holly Smale (2023). Here a young lady is jolted to realize that she is going back in time. While this has great potential for a fascinating story, she just plays with it, irritated. At one point, she tells about making love 7 times, repeatedly in time, until her emotions come out right. At that point I set her book aside. (Sometimes an author feels a need for sexual content.) Better, there's "Wrong Place. Wrong Time" by Gillian McAllister (2022). Here a woman actually witnesses her son killing a man and being arrested. Desperate to save her son, she finds Herself propelled backwards in time, always trying to take actions to prevent the misdeed. Commendably, along the way, the author makes her aware of many essential facts about herself. For example, shockingly, she learns that her husband has been living with a false identity for his entire life. By the end, the reader finds out whether she has saved her boy. Most importantly, when it comes to developing a character in your story, what could be more powerful than tracing their life through the years before the story? At that point. readers will surely know her! Meanwhile, for more on time travel stories, go here: https://www.townandcountrymag.com/

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Mailchimp Link: https://mailchi.mp/4749c5b290af/time-travel-in-your-story

--Bruce Cook, Publisher


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Publishing New Writers,

April, 2023 (vol. 24, no. 4)


Dr. Bruce L. Cook
1407 Getzelman Drive
Elgin, IL 60123

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