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Agilia (The Forbidden Truth)

By Ajay Singh (India)

Chapter 2

The inevitable effects of sacred and evil deeds are revealed, directly from the origin of our planet, following the theory of the Big Bang. The entire process of Nature is based on both the effects of day and night.
                                                    * * *

                Agilia with vanity emerged among peccant,
                To face the unidentified invader.
                She stood still with all her thrall,
                On throne, as dandy was the neuter.

                Sapience of Agilia
                Made her slave of Neuters smile.
                Soon greed also enthralled her hope of prevention.
                So she lost her own existence just in while.


Impress of Neuter was much more effective,
So the sly came near Agilia with soberly.
With power to move her retrospect
He told with sweet voice of flattery.

"O, you invincible power of this creation

Why are you fallen in sobriety?

Your relation with this brave dandy,
Would save our existence from divinity.”

“What an ecstatic sight it will be,
If you both will rule over this creation.
One will destroy the power of divine,
The other will protect our jubilation."


                 "Who is this dandy?" asked Agilia.
                 "From where did he come?

                   Is he not an illusion of deity?

                   I want to know about his fame."


“He is an origination of dark,” Said Sly.      
“Perplexed for our perpetuation.
He was suave, though we were rough,
And got wounded by his prevention.
We hope, he can capture the Angel
To save our existence in this creation."


                   In an inferno of futility and maze of greed
                   For Agilia, now neuter was her major need.
                   Unable to identify, the wicked plot
                   She was victimized by her own evil deed.

Now the blaze of sins were on top
Upon commencement of the evil function
Neuter was also active enough
Creating the basis for the worse jubilation.


                  When sapience is burned by prurience,
                  It only creates the basis for a bad situation.
                  So Agilia began to yell as frantic
                 "Come on, all of you for rare diversion.”

                 The call of madcap Agilia
                 Was for all the evil power
                 Soon all peccants became lethal
                 To fulfill their own spiteful desire.



                  Agilia in trap of her own evil thrall
                  Began to enjoy the pain of damnation
                  With the Devil as a diversion
                  Among the blaze of profanation.

                  As the prurience and greed begin to ignore
                  Neuter went far away as a shy.
                  Now Agilia with cold mind
                  Was aware of the plot of the sly.


All the originator of terrible deeds,
Will face damnation for salvation.
When any peccant laughs joyously
Remember; nearby is their perdition.
Sanctity of Spiritualism also suffers
But it gains a base for perpetuation.

Pain of malpractice from barbarism
Enthralled Agilia in maze of Servility
Only pathetic remorse was for her now,
A way to escape the pain of enormity.


                       When vitality burns in sorrow
                        In lethal blaze of evil deeds.
                        Then for salvation from damnation
                        Spiritualism seems a legitimate need.

                        Agilia with lethal pain of servitude       
                        Was unable to regain liberty.
                        With stinging and pathetic voice
                        She called the sacred entity.

                       "O, pioneer of this creation,
                        With great power of pliability
                         O, Father of all good and evil
                         Omnipotent patron of innocent chastity."


                          "Sanctify me now, O sire,
                            I am in blaze of my own sin.

                            Real atonement is the manna

                            Save me, you the sheen.”

                          “O, the real redeemer,
                            Forgive me, forgiver of felony,
                            Save the fame of faith on divinity
                            Sanctify the putrid deeds of this ninny.”


Rogation was ineffective for the devils
Joyously rapt in vampirism
But remissive Father was perplexed now
To save the fame of faith on theism.

As remissive with supernatural power
Father told Angel with mystic smile.
"The time has come to create a heaven
So awake your latent power in a while."

"This is your period, O, my child!
To save a virgin with sobriety.
Blamable is to stay far from our own liability,
After hearing the pathetic cry of insincerity."


                        The wish of the honored became pain for the unwilling,
                         For an envious perpetual emulator.
                         Angel with retrospective thought
                         Could not gather his own latent-power.

                         So he asked Father,
                       "Why should we help this evil quean?
                         Enemy of sacred power,
                         Is burning in blaze of her own sin."



Father laughed and said to Angel.
"For all I am; you are all for me.
Without figure, I am in belief of pain
Not existent only for glee."

"It is a call of a helpless psyche,
Not of felon or evil quean.
Remember, truth is the power of spiritualism,
Love is the ray of supernatural sheen.”

"Rise ahead, to destroy the destructible
Satisfy the belief of spiritual power.
Psyche is immortal and invincible for all
You can only win over the embodiments forever."


                             Enshrining the holy doctrine of Father
                             Angel went to destroy the oppression
                             With the potency of supernatural shine,
                             He emerged near Agilia for her salvation.


All devils rapture with peccable deed,
Looked towards Angel with mockery.
And rushed, frantic to win the invincible,
For havoc within treachery.


                          Soon Angel incinerated all the dark dapples
                          Existent within the originator of sins.
                         With help of the sacred power,
                          And graces of supernatural sheen.
                          He took off Agilia for salvation
                          As an innocent with a heart that was clean.



Agilia in refuge near the omniscient
Showing the face of penance
Was waiting for the period to pass on,
Perplexed, to gain back her lost existence.


                             "O, my child!"

                               Said Father with nectarine smile.
                             "Perplexed in tangle of evil deed.
                               For all am I existent in cosmos,
                               And you are all I need."

                             "I am the luster for all psyches,
                               Even I am the dark,
                               I am creator of all existence."
                               Asked Father only to Agilia.
                              "O, my beloved child,
                               What can I do for your permanence?"


In reliance of unique truth
Agilia spoke with stinging voice of penance.
"O, dear Father! Omnipotent with truth
I want power to beautify my own existence."

 "Well! Even you are important for embodiment of spirits.
 A part of supernatural power with immortality.
 Without the grace of my sacred power,
 Your desire will lead you towards the pain of mortality."


                    Agilia stood still with eyes full of tears,
                    As a virgin, suave near omniscience.
                    For the triumph of dark in cosmos,
                    To reform her weak existence.

"Sanctity is as luster for optimism.
Shine of desire can change into dark pessimism.
For your own beatific and perpetual existence,
Come out soon from the mazes of illusionism."

"For the psyche with blaze of passion,
Span less is the way towards salvation.
Peccants by deceit can gain opulence.
Only near the door of damnation."

"The time has come to create a heaven
To embody all spirits with a figure.
Agilia, it’s a chance for you," Said Father
With restraint, you can enrich your own power."


                    Angel with supernatural shine as nymph
                    Told Father, "Onerous for us is this horrid existence",
                   "Really she is dangerous for all psyches,
                    As an originator of the evil sapience."


 "Both dark and shine

Are equal for divine.
Need for all psyche in a figure.
You both are a separation of supernatural power.
But beware! Rise of your infinite desire,
Would destroy your immortal existence forever."

"Embodiment of spirits is the fruition of their deed
So is the divinity in any of my creation.
Sin and sanctity are origins of emotion,
So do not try to spoil the rare time for salvation."


                         After sanctification of Agilia
                         Father looked at the supernatural shine with smile,
                         Soon refulgence from her existence
                         Was separated just after a while.

                         Refulgence on sky, after a big blast
                         Was separated into many parts
                         Originating the basis for a heaven,
                         It was a rare presentation of supernatural art.

Now Father told Angel and supernatural shine.
"The time has come to raise the fame of divine.
Create habitation for the spirits as several creatures,
Based on peace, ecstatic and fine."

"For esteem and fame of divinity
The supernatural power for her own liability.
Will face the pain of parturition,
To beautify this heaven as our sacred creation.
Angel with deities in her subordination
Will help all the spirits on the path to salvation."


                       Shine of supernatural power with Angel,
                       Went off towards heaven for its own liability,
                       Agilia the existence of dark stood still,
                       With pain of fiasco, burning in anxiety,
                       Just as an innocent virgin, near the omniscient
                       Hiding evil desires behind her face of loyalty.

                       "Forgive all of us! O, great one!
                        Offer us a chance for salvation."
                        The pathetic cry was heard,
                        Of the sins suffering damnation.


As Agilia heard the cry from hell
Her anxiety soon changed to sorrow.
Existence of Father was lustrous enough,
The voice came up from her shadow.

"From where came these noises of my emulator
Though they were destroyed forever?
These as lethal for this creation."
Yelled Agilia," "Save me, O, my Father!"


Father said with mystic smile,
"Try to persist in heaven.
These are the worst aspects of your desire,
Without worth of any figuration.”
Now they are harmless to you,
Take them away to heaven for salvation.


                      Agilia the dark dapples of supernatural power,
                      Existent as Mother of sin,
                     Was unable to hide the darkness of her desire,
                      Behind the suave face with facade of clean.

                      With a lethal smile.
                      Just after a while,
                      She took off all the evil spirits.
                      Towards the new born heaven
                      To embody the evil thoughts
                      For a ruinous invasion.
                      To win over the fame of divine,
                      With the help of all the sins
                      That would destroy the sacred graces of shine.



                                                   * * *

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chaptrer Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

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