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Agilia (The Forbidden Truth)

By Ajay Singh (India)

Chapter 3

The assumption reinvigorating the embodiment of supernatural power in the guise of Nature is rapt in the beautification of this planet with diligence and excellence of peace. Evident is the hypothesis of our pre-historical era, separating the embodiment of good and evil during the natural process of humankind known as evolution.
                                             * * *

                      Cool shine of supernatural power,
                      Changed into nature,
                      Angel regarding the bestow of Father,
                      Was behind, as a child follows its mother,
                      Though Agilia stood far from the burning heaven
                      Waiting for chances to defeat the sacred power.

                      While after while
                      Offering grace with ecstatic smile.
                      Nature - the great mother changed into green.
                      With florid garment, she began to dance.
                      To embody the spirits in form of creature
                      In heaven neat and clean.

                      Clouds as black thunderous nymphs
                      Began to dance everywhere in the sky.
                      Odoriferous pollen were to subsist
                      From vertex of mountain
                      To below endless sea,
                      Song of solemnity was heard
                      By all innocent psyche.


                         In the serene lap of Nature,
                         Psyches in figure of animalcule,
                         Began to subsist among ecstatic commencement.
                         With amity and stability
                         As a child, they were innocent.


Agilia waiting in dark
With formless evil power.
Perplexed for her permanence.
Came near Nature
With a smile of amity
And told, to enrich her own existence.

"O, Mother!
The replica of truth and love,
Help this victim of profanation.
Please let me have a chance for salvation,
Really I was trapped in the mirth of tragic temptation."

"Forgive this thrall,
And make me imitable.
You the lustrous ensign of supernaturalism.
Save this bovine from a tangle of sins
I want to sanctity myself,
With the serenity of asceticism."


                            Horizon of perfidiousness,
                            As suave, only for sanctity
                            And the rueful voice of a pauper.
                            The perpetual relation
                            And sacred desire of a deviator.
                            Helped the kind Nature
                            To forgive her, as a true mother.


Nature the supernatural power
Told with suave behaviour
Forgetting the perfidy
Of her own perpetual emulator.

"Come on my child,
And save yourself from damnation.
For all is my vast lap
A perfect place for salvation.
We have created this heaven
For all the formless spirits,
Perplexed for habitation."


                         Having the support of Nature
                         The perfidious Agilia with variety,
                         Rushed for lurid invasion
                         To unnerve the sentient of innocent psyche
                         Enthralling them in maze of profanity.

                         Prurience became the most need
                         For Agilia the inciter of evil power.
                        To trap all the spirits existing as creatures,
                         In maze of sore parturition.
                         Some creatures were transformed
                         As the potential flesh eaters
                         To disturb the amity of the creation.

                         Now psyches in figure were separated,
                        As innocent victims and flesh eaters.
                        Amity became a victim of vampirism
                        And ensign of peace was broken by terror.


Nature having pain from demonic power
With grief and gory florid figure
With rot of carrion on her lap,
She began to call Father
To destroy the existence of the polluter.

"Help me! O, great Father!
I am suffering among damnation.
By offering the chance to believe in salvation.
Save the fame of truth and love,
The entire existence of spirits, are in blaze of profanation.”


                     A huge flesh-eater
                     An origin of Agilia,
                     Was fallen by the weight of his own existence.

                     His body was near to die

                     Soon his soul to reply,
                     Emerged as odoriferous resplendence.

                   "O, omnipotent creator of creation,
                    All these are deplorable deeds of Agilia
                    Pain of parturition is beatific for the tolerant,
                    So as mother, you will have to be complacent.”


"Who are you the mystic sheen?"
Asked the nature.
"Really I am as numb now,
By the pain from this vampirism.
Where is Father,
The creator of this heaven,
Patron of all the creatures,
Inciter of supernaturalism?"


                    “I am the Father,
                     Even I am psyche of amnesty.
                     Among terror of the dark,
                     I am the luster of complacence.
                     The existence of Agilia is immortal.
                     For a worse perdition,
                     She is fallen in mazes of terrestrial eminence."


"O, my patron,” said Nature.
“These deeds are perfidious
Dangerous and onerous for my sacred vow.
Misfortune for creative deeds
Among the rise of these evil existence
Our graces will never grow."


                   "As they are crafty and sinful,
                     Divinity should emerge as invincible.”
                    Told the resplendence with sweet voice.
                   "Shine of your existence should be cool.
                     Fire of sins is not stable."

                  "Pain is pleasure for spiritualism,
                   A way to be chronic venerable.
                   We are existent only for redemption,
                   Really, revenge for divinity is blameable."

                 “Agilia is the dark dapple,
                  An origination of your own existence.
                  She is immortal but destructible,
                  So wait stoically, within graces of complacence.”


"No!" Said Nature with surprise.
"Onerous for me is this evil existence.
Take her away from this heaven.
Agony for me is her presence.”

"I am seeking the blessing from omnipotence,
The omniscient and omnipresent Father.
Not for doctrine to make me timid,
By verbosity, from an elusive inciter."


                         Nature having wounds from perfidious
                         With pain of fiasco, she behaved as blind.
                         So she was begging for the omnipresent,
                         Unable to identify the Father kind.

Soon Father emerged from the resplendence
Following the belief of perplexed Nature.
And called Agilia to emerge
Immediately in a small figure.


                          Agilia soon emerged with mockery,
                          As nymph with figure very small.
                          And told father as a sly,
                          "Only you can order to this thrall."


 "I want to offer a power to both,        
Only to perpetuate your existence.
For peace in heaven,
I want one of you regnant
As Regina with rare power of permanence."

“One of you can have,
The spiritual joy from complacence
The other can have the graces of terrestrial splendor.
Come ahead one of you,
For one of this rare gift from me,"
With a mystic smile stated the great Father.

                            Just as the Nature bowed with faith,
                            Agilia rushed to the Father.
                            To perpetuate her own existence in heaven
                            She went off with the graces of terrestrial splendor.


 "You, venerable!" said Father to Nature
"Now you are invincible for all eternity,
 Complacence is a perpetual base for divinity
 So you are the real Regina of this creation
 With the rare power of invincibility."


                         "Your blessings are enough," said Nature.
                           For me, as graces of complacence.
                           But the deceits of my dark dapple,
                           Will always try to cripple my tolerance."


"Wait and suffer among deeds of evil existence.
And try to prevent the rise of annihilation.
Now I am off to incarnate as redeemer"
Father said before disappearing as an illusion.


                          Nature with belief and complacence
                          Soon changed as ecstatic odor
                          Beautifying her own figure, for all creature
                          Now she was emerging as a true mother.

Angel with some deities
Emerged as dinosaurs
To clean the rot from the lap of Nature.
As flesh eaters they began to swallow
All carnivores to cripple the plot of the polluter.


                         But all devil, existent as carnivores
                         Made fierce attacks against their own opposer.
                         Unable to face the power of sacred entity
                         They rushed to hide in the dark
                         As does timidity in juncture.


Unable to win the existence of divinity
Agilia took off all peccants in solitary.
And soon began to seduce all of them.
To create a base for perpetual victory.


"This is not an invincible creature,
It is an elusive deceit of our emulator.
For our freedom in this heaven,
You all will have to destroy this sacred power."

"Now with a fresh invasion,
 Try to victimize,
 All the creatures – big or small.
 Carry on! With all your might,
 A victory is most needed for you all."

"Till you gain the victory,
Fight as a pest,
And capture this heaven forever.
Complacence is the armor of timidity
A delusion, to make us all idle
Go ahead, fight with all your might and power.” 


                           Restless Angel and all deity
                           With own horrible figure,
                           Could not clean the rot of profanation.
                           Among the pathetic cry of spirits in heaven
                           Sinners were able to block the way to salvation.

                           The strategy and plots of evil power
                           Perplexed Angel and Nature.
                           They wanted to give up their hope to fight,
                           Against the originators of sins
                           With huge and horrific figure.


 Soon Nature appeared as a victim
 Near Angel and told with eyes full of tears
"Please, stop this havoc on my lap.
 Luster of good deeds, never needs mark of fear."


"I want vacuity to create again
An ecstatic beatific and peaceful creation.
Now the sacred deeds of divinity are facing fiasco,
In dark seems the way to salvation."


                                Angel with all deity
                                Following Nature as obedient thrall
                                Within some cosmic clash,
                                Came out from that heaven
                                Drowned in darkness with heavy snowfall.


                                 Now the heaven was covered by snow.
                                And all creatures died to incarnate again.
                                Agonies for spirits are their own terrestrial figure
                                That creates the basis for pain.


All formless peccants in that solitary
Were unable to find a base to own.
Embodiments are the basis for agony
Not only as it is shown.

Agilia after cold annihilation
Rushed towards dark part of heaven
To hide in a stygian cave.
All formless followers with fear
Shadowed her as obedient slaves.


                             After some era
                             Existence of Nature
                             Was raised by volition of liability.
                             Soon she was asked by Father to beautify,
                             Her eerie lap with the shine of sanctity.


Slowly the Nature again
Began to emerge as verdure.
As beatific divine smile of pleasant.
Down and eve were much ecstatic.
Air with pollen was to greet,
That celestial essential embodiment.

On lap of the amorist,
Animalcules were ecstatic as morn,
Gaining the grace of celestial physique.
With supernatural joy
And far from any desire
That incarnation of all psyches was unique.

Undesirable psyche till Juvenescence
Under lustrous mall of complacence.
With ray of love and amity,
They were as an ensign of sacred existence.


                      Ecstatic song of sanctity,
                      Evoked Agilia from the dark cave.
                      Soon she emerged in heaven
                      With all the devils as her slaves.
                      She began to seduce the existence of sin
                      Without any fear in her own conclave.

                      "O the real heir of this heaven,
                      Awake your power for fresh invasion
                      Only triumph can offer you
                      The joy and graces of this creation"

                      "Make the emotion victim of deceit,
                       To change this amity into enormity.
                       You all formless are invincible for all
                       Free from fear of deformity."



                        "Beware! This is not a game of roisterers.
                         The time has come to enrich our existence.
                          Luster of opulence should rise as fame,
                          Enthralling the belief of complacence."


Devils as slaves of evil desire.
Again to exist in a figure,
They began to enthrall some potent creature.
Originating seeds of carnivore
To cripple the shine of the supernatural power.

Nature existent as vast verdure
Was unable to shine among dark of fear.
Among rot of carcass and epidemic
All Creatures unable to exist or die,
Began to suffer among rot of gory tear.

                                                           * * *

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chaptrer Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

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