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Agilia (The Forbidden Truth)

By Ajay Singh (India)

Chapter 8

After the death of Lord Jesus Christ, current generations in the Mid-East were frustrated in the thralldom of Gods as an emblem of opulence. These generations were evoked by “new sacred spiritual information" that emerged from the potency of forgiveness and humanity to control the spiritual damages creating the basis for massacres. The mindsets of humankind--with the potential of science and premeditated theological theories--have ruled over our current civilization, creating the basis for the Mid-East religious conflicts (still disrupting the entire world).

Actually, the theological arguments between "old sacred definitions" and "new sacred information” has been based on the needs of a given period, providing chances for science to eliminate spirituality, which have confused and frustrated that generation. The incarnation of the "last messenger" was to reinvigorate the potential of revelation among humankind with belief disgraced after the fall of spirituality in the minefields of the mind (science), rising as thralls of Agilia. Still, the genetic nature appears more effective than science and theology, creating the basis for annihilation. Though we have gained some "spiritual information" from such realms as Sikhism, the existence of human beings (separated by religious borders and boundaries) are searching for a path to peace under the shadow
Of nuclear weapons. Is this possible?
                                                           * * *

                       Martyrdom of sacred invincible entity
                       Raised sapience of human with sanctity
                       Sly Agilia in perception of stolid tyrants
                       Privately became preacher of popularity.


Now again sects under regalia,
With salience of sectarianism.
Began to emerge as gladiator
With gory swords and ensign of polytheism.
Dictatorship of tyrants
With name and fame of divinity.
Again separated all human-being
Raising the illusive ensign of profanity.


                         All over on that sacred realm
                         Humanity was separated on burning sand.
                         As the tribes in thralldom of Agilia,
                         With ensign of sanctity in gory hand.

                          Origination of idols as emblem of belief
                          Became seductive for all of those,
                          Perplexed in maze of premeditation.
                          Devils as priest,
                          Handling the rein of religions
                          Were able to unnerve the human,
                           Suffering on path to salvation.

Near by the blaze of profanity.
The last messenger of great Father incarnated
To enlighten and irradiate
The darkness of idolatrous schism.
With doctrine based on truth.
For need of that period,
As nexus was he,
For all unquiet wayfarer towards theism.


                      Great messenger was able to unify.
                      The Human separated within illusion of desire.
                       So sanctity was able to win.
                      Over the haze of misanthropy.
                      Now vengeance emerged as cool luster
                      On fire of opulence
                      Deifying all the evil thoughts
                      By ecstatic graces of philanthropy.


Doctrines of that messenger
Were lustrous enough than swords of tyrants
So all evil power in command of Agilia
Became suave and decent.
To trap the great messenger
In murk of illusive sacrament.
For a stable victory,
By the fame of gory temperament.


                               With the time
                               Great messenger passed on as sacred entity
                               Unifying all separated belief,
                               Under shine of sanctity.
                               Offering rein of reformative ensign,
                               To his progeny on burning sand,
                               For protection of humanity.


                    Agilia the perfidious Regina of devilment
                    Again came up with shine of opulence.
                    But all progeny of great messenger
                    Were much steady with belief,
                    To face all polluter,
                    Only by sacred graces from complacence.


Progeny of great messenger
On flaring sand near sacred land
Came up to prevent the blaze of mercenary.
Immolating oneself for fame of Father
They won the thralls of Agilia
By pathetic suicidal chivalry.

Martyr of belief on burning sand
For fame of sanctity near that sacred land.
Was a great victory of divinity.
And Agilia gained fiasco in gory hand. 


                                  Martyr of innocent saintliness
                                  Became tragic torment for Nature.
                                  Sorely she with pathetic voice
                                  Called the omnipresent Father.

                                "O, Omnipotent!
                                  Stop these lethal offences
                                 It is as taint for my parturition.
                                 To save humanity from maze of Satan
                                 Beautify human-beings by celestial perception."


Father emerged as cool luster and said,
"O great mother of this creation.

Blood of sanctity will soon evolve

To unify humanity separated by profanation."


"Torment is base of bliss for virtue,
Even an essential need for your fruition.
I will enrich the sapience of human being
By offering them creative perception"


                             Happily Agilia emerged as nymph
                            Yelling as haughty, with pain of degradation.
                          “O, Father! I am Ruler of this creation.
                            With power of opulence,
                            Always steady to beautify this heaven.”

                           “Beware! I have always seen you,
                            Acting as my emulator,
                            So you both will have to face exile for purification.
                            I do not care what ever are you,
                            Or is your deceit, called salvation.”


"Well!" said Father with mystic smile.
"Even you are a part of my existence.
Nature is only serving graces for all creatures
And had never been an obstacle for opulence."

"I am in thralldom of belief and sanctity
Not a plotter, with blaze of enmity.
Only as an innocent mother,
Is this Nature as simple entity
You are always free for your liability.”


                        "That is enough"! said Agilia with a smile of vanity,
                        "For you and all psyches in this creation.
                         Remember! Always try to stay far away from me,
                         Otherwise both of you will face ejection."



Daunting both the supreme power
Agilia vanished soon as haughty.
And Nature with surprise,
Asked the patron of sanctity.

"Really it is very strange for me,
And for the existence of divinity.
In thralldom of this evil state
How we will save the shine of sanctity?"

                                Father laughed and said,
                               “It is a sign,
                                Of the fall of profanation.
                                Agilia is burning itself in blaze of vanity.
                                So there is nothing to do for her perdition."

                               "We will only offer celestial perception
                                 To human being rapt for benefaction.
                                 Now doctrine of divinity and apostle
                                 Is not enough to save this heaven.
                                 Now you can easily feel,

                                 Amplitude of sordid desire

                                Is joyously towards damnation."


Agilia with her rising period
Emerged as ensign of gory skepticism.
Enthralling the celestial perception of human,
In tangle of jeopardous fanaticism.

Now illusion of Agilia was lustrous
Among human, as desire for fugitive magnificence.
Even in all sanctums that made for fame
Separating the base of complacence.

Sanctity was only an armor for timid
Raising the gory fame of slaughter.
Honesty was as taint for human
In realms of evil religious innovator.

                         When any complacent came up,
                         With the shine of sanctification.
                         To lighten up the dark desires of human
                         On decadent path towards perdition.
                         Then schism with gory ensign,
                         From sanctums, made by believer.
                         Made humanity victim of fame
                         Frantic, to gain opulence by slaughter.


In thralldom of sects
With taints of fanaticism.
Humanity were as thrall,
Perplexed within pain from vampirism.

Nectarine graces of nature
For all creature throughout on heaven.
Was unable to subdue the tyranny,
Of transient desires towards perdition.

Father as the spirits in all embodiments
Enlightening the sapience of humanity.
Were unable to save the shine of sanctity
Among the lethal rise of profanity.

Martyr of saintliness, were drop of nexus,
Fallen by hap, on blaze of pyre.
Ensigns of fame were existent on ruinous fire,
Originated by humanity, as thrall of desire.


                                                       * * *

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chaptrer Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine


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